A team  combining flexibility, proximity, availability and responsiveness; capacity and skills to manage large construction sites, an expertise based on 15 years of stand-related experience.


The Event

We are , thanks to our many partnerships, able to supply you
with all the facilities you need for your comfort and that of your customers or future customers

Beside your show are at least as important as your meetings on your stand. Your customers will take the measure of your skills at your receptions  .... One way to conclude your contracts.
How to succeed ?....You have to ask yourself the right questions !

Your expectations  

- Which place did  you reserve or how do you see the ideal
     place for the operation?
- How are you going to bring your clients  ?
- Are there hazardous or special products  to implement ?
- Do you wish to include an animation , a show, a  conference, a meal ?
-Is it necessary to have an external communication?
- What appearance do you want to give to the place where the event is
    held (sober, original, shifted, technical, commercial, offset…)?

 - Do you wish to use some leading products, visual aids or advertising medium?
-  Do you plan to invite the media to relay the operation?

- What kind of medium do you want to use to see the project (3D, overhead projection…)?
- What budget do you want to devote to the operation?

Here is a non-exhaustive list of what we can provide:

 - We can provide transfers from the airport or a railway
    station to your hotel or to the exhibition .
 - Book Taxis or a Helicopter .
 - Book Plane or Train tickets

Catering and Booking (Hotels ,Villas, Restaurants, Night clubs, Yachts)
depending on how much you want to invest .

sport activities (carting, horseback riding, golf, tennis......)
Excursions (boat, bus, private plane)

Logement: We can find for you accomodation......Our best selection for the FIF.... Click Here

Animations: dancing,  karaoke ..........